Category Archives: Sinusitis – From Health Practitioners

Sinusitis – From Health Practitioner


After moving to Columbus, I learned of its reputation of sinusitis capital of the U.S. I began to have all the symptoms (pressure, headache, fatigue). I had antibiotics, steroids and surgery without any better. Then I decided to try acupuncture.

As a physician, I am familiar with its use in the treatment of muscular skeletal conditions. But New Realm Acupuncture assured me via email that they had more than 90% success rate for sinus problems. They indicated that it might take 4 sessions to feel difference. Although I did not quite believe what they said at very begin, I still decided to give it a try.

After the first treatment there was little difference. But following the second treatment I noticed a dramatic improvement in my symptoms!

I have also referred my wife for treatment of her shoulder pain (which helped).

I now come for treatment before the sinus symptoms get too severe.

For patients with sinus problems, I highly recommend a trial of acupuncture with New Realm Acupuncture.

Robert Cooper (Medical Doctor)


The Best Thing that ever happened to me

I am 57 years old with a history of physical injuries and poor health. Sinus infections have been a significant problem for the past 40 years. Despite frequent applications of irrigation, medication, and rest, I became bedridden ill four times a year.

New Realm Acupuncture Center came to my rescue on December 18, 2004. With the first treatment my sinuses cleared completely. I have not had a medication for a sinus infection through my customary worst season. Breathing improved as air passages cleared up. Sleeping was much better and now I have more energy. I have not had a day off due to illness since treatment started (I did play hooky once).

The care that I received at New Realm Acupuncture Center is proactive as well as remedial. I am able to do more things and I am even kind to my wife. I went shopping with her and had a good time. I am able to exercise five times per week and not die.

New Realm Acupuncture Center is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Dennis Huelsman (Psychologist)