
OSU Insurance  Now Covers Acupuncture!
In addition to insurance coverage, you can set up a health savings account which allows you to save funds to your account on a pre-tax basis. The funds are not subject to federal income tax at the time of deposit. And if you spend more than 10% percent of your income for on health, you can deduct from your taxes! This includes such expenses as acupuncture, massage, supplements, dental, eye glasses, monthly insurance payment, deductible, co-pay, etc.)

New Realm Acupuncture On Good Day Columbus – Asian Festival

Local Acupuncturist Relieves Pain for Hundreds of Ohioans Each Year
While many in Ohio plan their year according to the seasons, Charles, Rob and Lester plan their lives according to the level of pain they feel each day: “moderate,” “severe,” or “extreme.” Over the past few months, their level of pain has calmed down by quite a bit, almost as much as 75 percent, they say, thanks to weekly acupuncture treatments by New Realm Acupuncture.  Read more of their story here!

Sticking It To Pain
Chinese doctor introduces New Realm of medicine to Columbus.  An unlikely link between Eastern and Western medicine was James Reston – a journalist covering President Richard Nixon’s historic meeting with Chairman Mao Zedong in Beijing 1971 kamagra pret…. click here for more on this story!

The Pain Is Gone
One Central Ohio man thought he’d never walk again. He was bound to a wheelchair for three months and traditional doctors had no idea what the cause was. As a last resort he scheduled a visit at New Realm Acupuncture Center. The visit had a profound affect on him. It changed his life forever… click here for more on this story!

Enough With The Pain Already
Follow one local writer’s journey as she experiences first hand the powerful benefits that Acupuncture can offer. Click here for more on this story!